Most Important Islamic Studies MCQs

Age after the death of Hazrat Amina R.A
  1. How many years Hazrat Muhammad PHUH was raised under the care of his grandfather Hazrat Abd al Muttalib?
  • 2 year
  • 6 year
  • 3 year
  • 5 year
  1. When grandfather of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH (Hazrat Abd al Muttalib) was died?
  • 578
  • 577
  • 575
  • 573
  1. Who took care of Hazrat Muhammad PBUH after the death of his grandfather?
  • Mother Hazrat Amina R.A
  • Uncle Abu Talib
  • Uncle Hazrat Hamza
  • None of these
  1. In which age first time Hazrat Muhammad PBUH went to his first journey to gain experience in commercial trade?
  • 15 years
  • 12 years
  • 13 years
  • 14 years
  1. With whom Hazrat Muhammad PBUH make his first trading journey?
  • Mother Hazrat Amina R.A
  • Uncle Abu Talib
  • Uncle Hazrat Hamza
  • None of these
  1. In which year Hazrat Muhammad PBUH made his first trade journey?
  • 586
  • 585
  • 584
  • 583
  1. Who foreseen Hazrat Muhammad PBUH career as Prophet of God?
  • Hazrat Haleema R.A
  • Christian Monk named Bahira
  • Uncle Abu Lahib
  • None of these
  1. At what age Hazrat Muhammad PBUH first time took part in a war?
  • 15 years
  • 16 years
  • 12 years
  • 18 years
  1. In which war Hazrat Muhammad PBUH took part first time?
  • Ghazwa e Badar
  • Al-Fujjar
  • Ghazwa e Uhad
  • None of these
  1. Why war of al-fujjar called fujjar?
  • Because fought in prohibited month
  • It’s the name of the place where it fought
  • It’s a name of Arab tribe who fight the war
  • None of these

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